The human body depends on light for health! For example, the inactive form of Vitamin D is stored in the skin and requires sunlight to convert it to the active form.
Now, we have harnessed the power of light to treat painful medical conditions! Laser treatments are at the forefront of medical interventions. In this first installment, we will cover the primary physical effects of MLS Laser treatment.
Light is unique in that it has properties of waves and particles. This has broad implications when light interacts with the body.
There are three primary effects of laser on the body:
· Photochemical
· Photothermal
· Photomechanical
The photochemical effects of laser result from the direct transfer of energy to receptors (chromophores) in the skin and other tissues causing activation of enzymes, increased energy (ATP) production, modulation of metabolism and alteration of pain perception.
Photothermal effects are based on the conversion of light radiation to thermal (heat) energy by excitation of molecules after absorption of photons (particles of light). This causes an increase in blood flow and supplies of oxygen and nutrients necessary for healing.
Photomechanical effects occur when the absorption of laser energy produces mechanical waves. These wave promote production of an extracellular matrix needed for tissue repair and regeneration, accelerated lymphatic flow, reabsorption of swelling and reactivation of microcirculation.
Our MLS Laser uses two wavelengths of light to maximize these beneficial effects. The results are less pain and faster, more complete healing! Click here to learn more about how MLS laser treatments can help improve your quality of life!