Acupuncture is mysterious to most people. How can those little needles relieve pain or cause the body to heal from different conditions? Why do you put that needle there? Understanding the principles of acupuncture allows practitioners to apply treatment that helps the patient heal. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pain and illness arise from disruption… Read more »
The human body depends on light for health! For example, the inactive form of Vitamin D is stored in the skin and requires sunlight to convert it to the active form. Now, we have harnessed the power of light to treat painful medical conditions! Laser treatments are at the forefront of medical interventions. In this… Read more »
Tingling, burning, stabbing pain. These are commonly used words to describe the pain of peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy(PN) affects the nerves that are outside the brain and spinal cord. The most commonly affected areas are the feet and hands. While some PN can be inherited or come from toxic exposure, the most common causes are… Read more »
Have you seen people leaning over a shopping cart while walking through the grocery store? Or slowly bending more and more at the waist as they walk? These people may suffer from a condition called Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS). LSS occurs when the nerves within the lumbar spinal canal get squeezed or choked. The most… Read more »
Did you know that some 28-33 MILLION Americans suffer from Migraine headaches (MHA)? MHA is ranked 19th among disability causing conditions by the World Health Organization (WHO). Here are a couple of other interesting statistics: •94% of people who consult their Doctor for head pain have MHA. •90% of people who consult their Doctor for… Read more »